Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election 2012: You're in the Control Room

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    The first results of the 2012 election are in, and President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are tied. As has been the tradition since 1960, residents of Dixville Notch, a tiny village in Coos County, New Hampshire, cast their ballots--all 1o of them--shortly after midnight Tuesday, with five votes for the president, and five for [...]Read More

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    Mitt Romney's seat on his campaign plane (Bedford MA)

    Mitt Romney's seat on his campaign plane (Bedford MA)

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    On the Romney press bus, @jimacostacnn does a live shot (Bedford MA)

    On the Romney press bus, @jimacostacnn does a live shot (Bedford MA)

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    ENGLEWOOD, Colo.-Four years ago, Mitt Romney was criticized as a man without a message, a presidential candidate straight from the heart of corporate America who was good at making lists and delivering PowerPoint presentations but not so great at explaining exactly why he should be the next president.Read More

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    View the Swing state voters share their stories photo gallery on Yahoo! News. Find more news related pictures in our photo galleries.Read More

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    Suspense over the too-close-to-call presidential race has partly obscured the fact that Americans on Tuesday will choose between two dramatically different visions of government's proper role in our lives. The philosophical gulf between the two nominees is wide, even if the vote totals may be razor-thin.Read More

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    From Yahoo! News: DES MOINES, Iowa-Paul Ryan held the last Romney 2012 campaign event in Iowa this evening, flying in from Colorado for a brief airplane hangar rally to the place where the presidential choosing contest begins: the first caucus state of Iowa. He told several hundred people...Read More

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    The question of whether Americans are better off than they were four years ago depends, of course, on the American. For the 12 million unemployed, the answer is most certainly no. But for many of America's millionaires, the answer may be more affirmative.Read More

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    LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Television networks face a new challenge in covering this year's excruciatingly close presidential election: prevent closely guarded exit poll results from leaking onto Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms. The major TV news networks agreed to shield early exit poll data suggesting who is leading in a state until the state's polls close.Read More

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    Mitt Romney arrives in Columbus OH

    Mitt Romney arrives in Columbus OH

  • Source:

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