Monday, October 15, 2012

Dreams On 34th Street ~ French Bread & Family: showered with love...

today Chrislyn , Holland and i traveled to

the home of my niece Kelsey and her family, where she hosted a?

lovely baby shower for the newest member to be

of our growing family.

Kelsey attended culinary school. when she invites you to eat, you?

know that you are in for a treat!

the room was lit with pretty lace covered mason jars.

i have to apologize...i did not have my camera setting correct, so?

this is the only image of the beautiful buffet. ?salute!

there was lot's of ?family fun and catching up going on in Kelsey and Matt's newly remodeled home.

?the baby cousins had a grand time!

they played so well together!?

Brogan wore the UGGS that ?great uncle Mr D and i gave her for her

first birthday...( she is almost two.)?

Ryan and Holland were into the unwrappings!

(and...YES! the Seahawks are beating ?New England!)

we managed to pin the four little monkeys down for a picture with their?mommies.

it was a day filled...


thank you, dear Kelsey!


rondo suspended bay bridge downton abbey season 3 presidents day band of brothers presidents george washington

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