Monday, October 8, 2012

Joint Pain Exercise - The All Health Network

by rob britt on October 8, 2012

I?ve been running for years and I sometimes hear people say they don?t run because of the impact on their joints. Running may have an impact on joints and pain, depending how you run and the surfaces you run on, but the joint pain exercise connection is far from certain. As a matter of fact such esteemed institutes such as the Harvard Medical School actually have endorsed exercise programs to help with joint pain.

You Kneed to Exercise

Most programs such as Harvard?s will tell you of the benefits of stretching and weight training. Stretching (or flex training) helps to keep you limber.

Resistance training (also known as strength training) helps to increase your strength or maintain it as you age. Most people tend to lose about 25% of their strength from their late 20?s through retirement. Most of that loss of strength is due to the ?Use it or lose it? that I?m sure you?ve heard before. But a moderate exercise routine (30 minutes three times a week) can help you to maintain strength and independence well past a ?normal? point.

Cardio-vascular fitness (aerobic exercise) also helps with joint pain. Part of the benefit of aerobic exercise is improved circulation, and improved circulation can mean more oxygen rich blood feeding your bones and muscles. Again, even a modest amount of cardio-vascular training, such as walking a few times a week can work wonders.

The other plus side to all this is burning calories. Maintaining a healthy weight will take a great deal of stress off your joints. That doesn?t just apply to your hips, knees and the rest of your lower body, but also to your upper body. As you roll over in bed or get up out of your easy chair, trust me, your upper body, back and arms appreciate having less of a burden.

Joint pain exercise does not mean you have to push yourself. It means keeping active and continuing to exercise moderately. The better you take care of your body, the better it will work for you.

Exercise Program for Seniors.


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